
  Are you taking the first steps in your independent academic career or the next step up? Are you passionate about kidney research and want to join a multidisciplinary team? Come and join the Transregio 374!   Transregio 374 conducts interdisciplinary kidney research to advance th...

Digital technologies impact each individual’s daily life. They not only change the way we communicate and work with each other, but also influence social interaction, economic developments and political processes. As a result, it has become more crucial for all scientific studies to understand techn...

Die Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung und die Stanford University möchten einen Beitrag zur Vertiefung der deutsch-amerikanischen Wissenschaftsbeziehungen im Bereich der Geisteswissenschaften leisten und haben hierzu gemeinsam das „Krupp-Foundation Fellowship for Visiting Student Researc...