Georg Hager's Blog

Random thoughts on High Performance Computing



Two-part minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP18), Tokyo, Japan, March 7-10, 2018:

Performance Engineering from the Node Level to the Extreme Scale


Achieving hardware and energy efficiency is important for current large-scale numerical simulations and will be a key component in the exascale era. In a world of heterogeneous, highly parallel computer architectures with deep memory hierarchies, complex application scenarios, and a broad spectrum of algorithms, software developers can no longer rely on mystic “black-box” performance engineering computer programs. Instead, a thorough analysis and understanding of the complex interaction of software, data structures, algorithms, and hardware features, a.k.a. performance engineering, is required for implementing codes that allow for portable performance on the computer generations to come. The minisymposium addresses a broad range of topics in performance engineering for modern HPC architectures, ranging from recent advances in performance models and tools supporting a “white-box” performance engineering approach to application performance tuning cases studies. The presentations should point out the potentials and limitations of “white-box” performance engineering activities and demonstrate the wide spectrum of performance models used in the PE activities including simple performance expectations, automatic model parameter selections, and analytic models.


Georg Hager, Erlangen Regional Computing Center, Germany
Gerhard Wellein, Erlangen Regional Computing Center, Germany

Part 1 (MS29)

Part 2 (MS41)