Schlagwort-Archiv: Cambridge

Newton International Fellowship for Franziska Sielker

Franziska Sielker is has been awarded a Newton International Fellowship for a two-year post-doctoral project at the University of Cambridge starting from March 2017. Prof. Phil Allmendinger is the host with the Department of Land Economy. Franziskas project ‘POWER IN PLANNING – Stakeholders Choice of Power Channels in EU Sector Policies’ aims to analyse the ways how EU directives are implemented in different national contexts, and how in large-scale cooperation stakeholders influence the pro...


Cambridge and Erlangen – Parallels in urban development?

  A comparison between Cambridge (UK) and Erlangen (DE) surprises you first hand? Let me show you surprising parallels in the two cities' characteristics, challenges and recent dynamics. During the last week, I had the opportunity to visit Prof. Phil Allmendinger in Cambridge again as part of my PhD-project. Arriving in the UK it came to my attention that there are striking parallels between the two cities with their historic centres being characterised by university buildings. In bot...
