Schlagwort-Archiv: accessibility

Cross-border mobility: Rail or road?

In our latest article, we position different modes of transport in border regions by developing a new methodological approach. The key elements are ‘space-time-lines’, combined with an indexation approach. Both build on open-source data and allow for comparative analysis and visualization of cross-border mobility and accessibility. The results show that (a) the process of catching up in terms of cross-border accessibility is not yet complete, and (b) some regions show tunnel effects, as cross...


9. Alpenzustandsbericht zum Thema „Alpine Towns“

Welche Rolle spielen Städte und das alpine Siedlungssystem für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Alpen? Dieser Frage geht der 9. Alpenzustandsbericht (RSA9) zum Thema „Alpine Towns“ nach. Tobias Chilla, Dominik Bertram und Markus Lambracht sind die Autoren des analytischen Berichts (Part 1: Facts, Maps and Scientific Debates) – der ergänzt wird durch einen Szenarien-Teil (Part 2: Five Pictures of the Future) und politische Überlegungen (Four Postulates of Sustainable Urban Development). Di...


Roles beyond size? Investigating polycentricity and accessibility of small towns in the Alps

Fair accessibility to services of general interest is a considerable challenge in mountain regions due to low population density and morphological context (see, ESPON Alps2050). However, the centrality debate has hardly taken morphology into account, even though mountain areas require a specific form of spatial organization. A lower level of accessibility leads either to longer distances and travel times or (in the better case) to increased service supply in smaller settlements. Our recently ...


Cross-border mobility in the Alpine Region – ARPAF Cross-border final report

Cross-border commuting is of growing importance due to the ongoing efforts of political liberalisation and the growing cross-border integration of economic activities. In the Alpine region (EUSALP) cross-border commuting shows much higher values than the European average: 0,9% cross-border share amongst the employees on the EU level, and 1,6% within the Alpine region, i.e. almost the double value. This is one of the main insights of our final report of the ARPAF cross border project. The map ...


New publication online: Measuring cross-border accessibility

A new paper of our working group is now online, reflecting on cross-border accessiblity. We present a rather innovative way of capturing qualities and gaps in cross-border infrastructure in two case study regions, namely the Greater Region around Luxembourg and the Bavarian-Czech case. The analyses are based on the involvement in the projects Entwicklungsgutachten Bayern-Tschechien and the MORO Raumbeobachtung Deutschland und angrenzende Regionen (for more details see the site of the cross-borde...
