Kategorie-Archiv: Publikationen

Investigating roles beyond size: Small towns in the European Alps

A short new article in the ESPON magazine TerritoriALL: Dominik Bertram and Tobias Chilla reflect on ‘roles beyond size’ of small towns in the European Alps. Providing equitable access to services of general interest (SGI) is an explicit objective of the EU Territorial Agenda 2030. Especially in mountain regions, ensuring fair accessibility to SGI is a significant challenge due to low population density and topographical barriers. The TerritoriALL article refers the concept of Population Catc...


Mapping the Scene: Cartographic sketches on the EUSALP cross-cutting priorities

The Swiss Presidency of the EU Alpine Strategy (EUSALP) 2023 has focused on transversal topics and their political relevance. At the end of the presidency, the Annual Forum and the General Assembly took place in Bad Ragaz (19th Oct 2023), where four cross-cutting priorities were discussed: a) Promoting Digitalisation for the Alps, b) Accelerating the Energy Transition for a Carbon-Neutral Alpine Region, c) Promoting a Joint Water Management Transition and d) Boosting Circular Economy. We were...


The regional dimension in GPN – Mapping value creation and governance of the Bavarian beer sector

The global beer market is characterised by strong concentration tendencies. In contrast, the Bavarian production system is characterised by a high degree of regionality and value creation. Using the example of Bavarian beer, our new study shows how the value creation of regional production systems goes along with the underlying governance patterns. The governance in production systems has long been approached primarily from a global perspective. Given recent regionalisation debates, we focus ...


Grenzraumakademie ’23 – Grenzregionen Deutschlands mit seinen Nachbarländern

  Am 20./21. April 2023 fand in Berlin die ‚Grenzraumakademie‘ statt. Diese Veranstaltung brachte ca. 130 Gästen aus den Grenzregionen Deutschlands und den Nachbarstaaten in den Austausch mit Expertinnen und Experten verschiedener Politikbereiche und -ebenen.   Die Ver­anstaltung war durch ein Forschungsprojekt initiiert: Das Projekt CoBo ‚Cohesion in Border Regions‘ wird von der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg und der Universität St. Gallen bearbeitet (Januar 2021 bis Dezember ...


How to overcome the ‘size problem’ of the Alpine settlement system?

The Alpine settlement system is of key relevance for sustainable development in the mountain region. However, maps on the European scale indicate almost no cities in the Alps but only a few small towns. The Alpine region seems to be an ‘empty’ space (see, e.g. Atlas for the Territorial Agenda 2030). We argue that a differentiated mapping approach should involve medium and small settlements in mountain regions, as they have a high functional importance for the surrounding area.   Our r...


9. Alpenzustandsbericht zum Thema „Alpine Towns“

Welche Rolle spielen Städte und das alpine Siedlungssystem für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Alpen? Dieser Frage geht der 9. Alpenzustandsbericht (RSA9) zum Thema „Alpine Towns“ nach. Tobias Chilla, Dominik Bertram und Markus Lambracht sind die Autoren des analytischen Berichts (Part 1: Facts, Maps and Scientific Debates) – der ergänzt wird durch einen Szenarien-Teil (Part 2: Five Pictures of the Future) und politische Überlegungen (Four Postulates of Sustainable Urban Development). Di...


Roles beyond size? Investigating polycentricity and accessibility of small towns in the Alps

Fair accessibility to services of general interest is a considerable challenge in mountain regions due to low population density and morphological context (see, ESPON Alps2050). However, the centrality debate has hardly taken morphology into account, even though mountain areas require a specific form of spatial organization. A lower level of accessibility leads either to longer distances and travel times or (in the better case) to increased service supply in smaller settlements. Our recently ...


Innerdeutsche Vernetzung von Grenzregionen – welche Optionen bestehen?

Auf der Bundesebene haben die Grenzräume mit Beteiligung Deutschlands in jüngerer Zeit zunehmend größere Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, insbesondere im Zuge der Bemühungen um gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse. Am 16. und 17. Mai 2022 hat die AG Regionalentwicklung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat den Workshop ‚Innerdeutsche Vernetzung von Grenzregionen‘ in Berlin durchgeführt (Foto: Dirk Enters). Durch eine bessere Vernetzung der Grenzregionen mit deutscher Betei...


Reflecting on border regions with ‚institutional mapping‘

Institutional mapping combines institutional information and visualisation techniques. Our team has worked with this approach for several years now (e.g. ESPON ACTAREA 2017, Chilla et al. 2012). Now we published a new paper that a) describes the state of art in institutional mapping and b) does so with the example of German INTERREG VA programmes. Chilla, T. & M. Lambracht (2022): Institutional mapping of cross-border cooperation. INTERREG programme analyses with KEEP data, European Plan...


COVID-19 incidence in border regions: spatiotemporal patterns and border control measures

Border regions are very sensitive territories in Covid times: In all incidence waves, border closures have been discussed and many were implemented. Currently, due to the threating Omicron variant, harsh measures as border closures are high on the political agenda again. However, there is not much knowledge about the cross-border spread of the virus. The question is whether they can be an appropriate tool of the anti-Covid policy. Our new paper, examines the patterns of COVID-19 spread in Ger...
