European border regions: more or less resilient than non-border regions?

The ongoing times of poly-crises raise fundamental questions for border regions:

How do crises affect convergence processes in border regions?

Are border regions more resilient than non-border regions?

In what ways are convergence and resilience interconnected?


Our recent study shows, first, that border regions are more affected in the short term, but recover more quickly from the crisis. This finding calls for policy reflections on how to improve short-term resistance in border regions. Second, the overall convergence trends are more positive in border regions than in non-border regions. This finding reflects a general catching-up process due to border liberalization and cohesion policy. Third, the more convergent the national state, the more resilient its border regions tend to be.

The results of this study are part of the research project ‘CoBo – Cohesion in Border Regions’ which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


To cite this article: Stefan Hippe, Dominik Bertram & Tobias Chilla (2023) Convergence and resilience in border regions, European Planning Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2023.2170214 

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