Territorial monitoring for European macro-regions? Tobias Chilla as a panelist at the ESPON Seminar

Through numerous international research projects the European Territorial Observatory Network (ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme) has produced evidence on territorial and socio-economic developments and trends in Europe. This year’s ESPON seminar in Luxembourg focuses on the topic of “A world without borders – Refugees, cooperation and territories”. The seminar’s aim is to discuss what research is needed to support policy making in cross-border cooperation and to understand the diversity of European macro-regions.

The macro-regional panel adresses the question what type of territorial monitoring is needed to support the further development of European macro-regional strategies.Roland Arbter (Danube Region), Frithjof Ehm (Alpine Region), Andreja Petković (Adriatic-Ionian Region) Talis Linkaits (Baltic Sea Region) present the needs of the different macro-regions. Tobias Chilla as the scientific representative presents examples of data collection from the different regions. He further addresses the challenges and chances of developing territorial monitoring for these new large-scale cooperation areas.