Kategorie-Archiv: Publikationen

Short Value Chains in Food Production – the Role of Spatial Proximity for Economic and Land Use Dynamics

A new paper from our team reflects on the question to what extent regional food supply chains support the status of agricultural demand in the competition for land. The main objective of our paper is to understand the role of proximity between the different stages of value creation. Our empirical study on the example of three food products (beer, sweet cherry, asparagus) in Bavaria (Germany) shows that short distances within food value chains support the agricultural condition in land use dynami...


New book on EU cohesion policy

Our colleagues Daniel Rauhut, Franziska Sielker and Alois Humer have edited an inspiring book on EU cohesion policy: "Discussing the ongoing and future challenges of EU Cohesion Policy, this book critically addresses the economic, social and territorial challenges at the heart of the EU’s policy. It identifies the multifaceted and dynamic nature of the policy as well as the cohesions goal interlinkage with other policies and considers unresolved questions of strategic importance in territorial g...


The domestic dimension of cross-border governance: Networks and coordination patterns.

Border studies have intensively analysed the dynamics of multi-level governance. Manifold facets of cross-border cooperation have been addressed in the vertical and the horizontal dimension. However, the domestic dimension has hardly been addressed so far.We have now concluded a study on behalf of the German Ministry of the Interior, exploring the situation in a series in European countries. The full report of this study is published in German language: Chilla T. (2020): Innerstaatliche Ve...


Money, cities, distances? Why people become cross-border commuters

A new publication from our team was released a few days ago in the Journal of Borderland Studies:  The paper discusses the question what the main structural driving forces for cross-border commuter dynamics are. It does so at the example of the Alpine region, referring to results of the ARPAF cross border project. We tested several hypotheses and we found out: "The results show that cross-border commuting has several driving forces. A statistical causality in the strict sense cannot be ...


Räumliche Integration entlang von Bayerns Grenzen – Seminarbericht online

Über zwei Semester hinweg haben sich neun Studierende unseres Master-Studiengangs mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie sich die Raumentwicklung in den Grenzräumen Bayerns aktuell darstellt, und inwiefern hierbei das Konzept der ‚Räumlichen Integration‘ eine hilfreiche Perspektive ist. Ausgangsüberlegung ist,  dass zwar politische und gelegentlich auch ökonomische Integration diskutiert wird. Jedoch spielt die Frage, was räumliche Integration ist, bislang kaum eine Rolle – obwohl unumstritten ist, dass...


Medial präsent: AG Regionalentwicklung in der Berichterstattung

Die Arbeitsgruppe Regionalentwicklung ist aktuell auf vielen Kanälen präsent - hier eine kurze Presseschau in eigener Sache: Im Franken-TV wird anlässlich der Europawahl gefragt, was denn die EU für die hiesige Wirtschaft heißt - viel Gutes, lautet die Antwort, und wie sollte es ohne gehen?   Im Magazin brand eins werden die 'Chancen der Provinz' diskutiert: „'Wenn man sich richtig anstrengt, geht überall was' sagt Tobias Chilla [...]. Ein Gespräch über Provinz als Ansichtssach...


The „Alps 2050“: How to develop a good Alpine future?

The ESPON project Alps 2050 has intensively analysed the territorial development of the Alpine region throughout the last year, with our team as the leadpartner of the research consortium. The results are online now:   The most important results are published in the final report, complemented by annexes and short versions: The reports show the complex patterns, the strong potentials and the severe challenges for sustainable development in the Alpine region. Many cartographi...


Cross-border mobility in the Alpine Region – ARPAF Cross-border final report

Cross-border commuting is of growing importance due to the ongoing efforts of political liberalisation and the growing cross-border integration of economic activities. In the Alpine region (EUSALP) cross-border commuting shows much higher values than the European average: 0,9% cross-border share amongst the employees on the EU level, and 1,6% within the Alpine region, i.e. almost the double value. This is one of the main insights of our final report of the ARPAF cross border project. The map ...


New publication online: Measuring cross-border accessibility

A new paper of our working group is now online, reflecting on cross-border accessiblity. We present a rather innovative way of capturing qualities and gaps in cross-border infrastructure in two case study regions, namely the Greater Region around Luxembourg and the Bavarian-Czech case. The analyses are based on the involvement in the projects Entwicklungsgutachten Bayern-Tschechien and the MORO Raumbeobachtung Deutschland und angrenzende Regionen (for more details see the site of the cross-borde...


New publication on the spatial logic of macroregions – the Alpine example

A new paper has just been accepted by European Planning Studies (EPS): The paper discusses what could be the potentials of macroregional strategies. In recent years, European regional policy has seen a surprising popularity of macro-regional strategies. We focus on the example of the Alpine strategy EUSALP and discuss which potential comes along with its underlying regionalization logics. We argue, firstly, that the still young regionalization process of the EUSALP neither follows the understan...
