New book on EU cohesion policy

Our colleagues Daniel Rauhut, Franziska Sielker and Alois Humer have edited an inspiring book on EU cohesion policy: „Discussing the ongoing and future challenges of EU Cohesion Policy, this book critically addresses the economic, social and territorial challenges at the heart of the EU’s policy. It identifies the multifaceted and dynamic nature of the policy as well as the cohesions goal interlinkage with other policies and considers unresolved questions of strategic importance in territorial governance, urban and regional inequalities, and social aspects and wellbeing.“

With Estelle Evrard from Luxembourg, we have contributed a chapter on EUropean (dis)integration: implications for the Cohesion Policy. We discuss the meaning of integration from the perspectives of political science and geography. In a slightly provocative manner, we question the cohesion compass and reflect on the future of European territorial development.