Schlagwort-Archiv: Alpen

Call for papers: Urban networks in mountain regions from a global perspective

Urban networks play a crucial role for spatial development in mountain regions. Efficient settlement systems are an important basis for a good quality of life. Effective spatial organization of urban functions can improve overall economic, social and environmental development. A variety of obstacles, including relief and altitude, demographic change, and cross-border barriers, complicate spatial development efforts in mountain areas. Settlement systems assume a vital function in addressing th...


Investigating roles beyond size: Small towns in the European Alps

A short new article in the ESPON magazine TerritoriALL: Dominik Bertram and Tobias Chilla reflect on ‘roles beyond size’ of small towns in the European Alps. Providing equitable access to services of general interest (SGI) is an explicit objective of the EU Territorial Agenda 2030. Especially in mountain regions, ensuring fair accessibility to SGI is a significant challenge due to low population density and topographical barriers. The TerritoriALL article refers the concept of Population Catc...


ASTER: Interreg Alpine Space project on the transition of the textile and plastic equipment industry

Our Regional Development Working Group will explore Alpine Solutions for the Transition of the textile and plastic Equipment industry and the harmonization of interregional 5R strategies: In a consortium of 11 partners from 5 Alpine countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia), the Interreg Alpine Space Programme project ASTER is one amongst 18 classic projects that were approved by the Alpine Space Programme Committee. It will start in September 2024 and has a duration of 3 years. ...


9. Alpenzustandsbericht zum Thema „Alpine Towns“

Welche Rolle spielen Städte und das alpine Siedlungssystem für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Alpen? Dieser Frage geht der 9. Alpenzustandsbericht (RSA9) zum Thema „Alpine Towns“ nach. Tobias Chilla, Dominik Bertram und Markus Lambracht sind die Autoren des analytischen Berichts (Part 1: Facts, Maps and Scientific Debates) – der ergänzt wird durch einen Szenarien-Teil (Part 2: Five Pictures of the Future) und politische Überlegungen (Four Postulates of Sustainable Urban Development). Di...


Money, cities, distances? Why people become cross-border commuters

A new publication from our team was released a few days ago in the Journal of Borderland Studies:  The paper discusses the question what the main structural driving forces for cross-border commuter dynamics are. It does so at the example of the Alpine region, referring to results of the ARPAF cross border project. We tested several hypotheses and we found out: "The results show that cross-border commuting has several driving forces. A statistical causality in the strict sense cannot be ...


Publikation: Überblick zur grenzüberschreitenden Raumentwicklung Bayerns

Aus mehreren Anlässen lohnt es sich derzeit, über die grenzüberschreitende Dimension der Raumentwicklung Bayerns nachzudenken. Erstens ist auf bayerischer Ebene eine neue Aufmerksamkeit für Fragen der grenzüberschreitenden Entwicklung festzustellen. Dies bezieht sich vor allem auf die bayerisch-tschechische Grenze. Zugleich wird im Alpenraum mit dem Start der makroregionalen Strategie EUSALP eine verstärkte Diskussion um die Instrumente der Raumentwicklung geführt. Zweitens haben die vor allem i...


New Atlas „Alps 2050“ online now

Our ESPON project Alps 2050 has taken the next step - the Interim Report is online now, and the participatory work makes good progress. As an extra output, we have produced an Atlas that shows important territorial patterns and trends on the transnational scale: Atlas Alps 2050 We think that this atlas provides interesting insigthts and new inspiration. It can be seen as a complementary work to the existing publications that focus on the Alpine Convention perimeter, i.e. the mountainous pa...


Alps 2050: Inception Report and Delphi study

The ESPON project Alps 2050 aims to develop spatial perspectives towards the year 2050 - helping to achieve a succesfull and sustainable regional development. The project consortium - led by the University of Erlangen - has now concretised the project's appraoch and shows first preliminary results in the Inception Report. In these days, an online survey starts, involving experts from all over the Alpine region (so-called Delphi study).The experts cover seven countries, the national, region...


New ESPON project: Alps 2050

“Alps2050 – Common spatial perspectives for the Alpine area. Towards a common vision” Our working group has been awarded with a new ESPON project. This project shall develop a common spatial development vision for the whole Alpine area towards 2050, consisting of a set of common spatial perspectives. This vision should serve to strengthen territorial cooperation among Alpine countries towards sustainable development. It shall contribute to reducing obstacles to a common sustainable territoria...


Vortrag: Regionalentwicklung in den Alpen

Am 26. Juli ist Dr. Thomas Streifeneder an unserem Institut zu Gast: Der Leiter des Instituts für Regionalentwicklung der EURAC (Europäische Akademie, Bozen) trägt in unserem Kolloqium vor zum Thema: "Wirtschaftsgeographische und sozioökonomische Transformationsprozesse in ländlichen Räumen von Berggebieten. Mals ist eine Südtiroler Marktgemeinde von 5.000 Einwohnern. Sie erregt seit 2014 internationales Aufsehen als sich Dreiviertel der Bevölkerung in einem Referendum für eine pestizi...
