Schlagwort-Archiv: Alps

Call for papers: Urban networks in mountain regions from a global perspective

Urban networks play a crucial role for spatial development in mountain regions. Efficient settlement systems are an important basis for a good quality of life. Effective spatial organization of urban functions can improve overall economic, social and environmental development. A variety of obstacles, including relief and altitude, demographic change, and cross-border barriers, complicate spatial development efforts in mountain areas. Settlement systems assume a vital function in addressing th...


Investigating roles beyond size: Small towns in the European Alps

A short new article in the ESPON magazine TerritoriALL: Dominik Bertram and Tobias Chilla reflect on ‘roles beyond size’ of small towns in the European Alps. Providing equitable access to services of general interest (SGI) is an explicit objective of the EU Territorial Agenda 2030. Especially in mountain regions, ensuring fair accessibility to SGI is a significant challenge due to low population density and topographical barriers. The TerritoriALL article refers the concept of Population Catc...


ASTER: Interreg Alpine Space project on the transition of the textile and plastic equipment industry

Our Regional Development Working Group will explore Alpine Solutions for the Transition of the textile and plastic Equipment industry and the harmonization of interregional 5R strategies: In a consortium of 11 partners from 5 Alpine countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia), the Interreg Alpine Space Programme project ASTER is one amongst 18 classic projects that were approved by the Alpine Space Programme Committee. It will start in September 2024 and has a duration of 3 years. ...


Mapping the Scene: Cartographic sketches on the EUSALP cross-cutting priorities

The Swiss Presidency of the EU Alpine Strategy (EUSALP) 2023 has focused on transversal topics and their political relevance. At the end of the presidency, the Annual Forum and the General Assembly took place in Bad Ragaz (19th Oct 2023), where four cross-cutting priorities were discussed: a) Promoting Digitalisation for the Alps, b) Accelerating the Energy Transition for a Carbon-Neutral Alpine Region, c) Promoting a Joint Water Management Transition and d) Boosting Circular Economy. We were...


How to overcome the ‘size problem’ of the Alpine settlement system?

The Alpine settlement system is of key relevance for sustainable development in the mountain region. However, maps on the European scale indicate almost no cities in the Alps but only a few small towns. The Alpine region seems to be an ‘empty’ space (see, e.g. Atlas for the Territorial Agenda 2030). We argue that a differentiated mapping approach should involve medium and small settlements in mountain regions, as they have a high functional importance for the surrounding area.   Our r...


9. Alpenzustandsbericht zum Thema „Alpine Towns“

Welche Rolle spielen Städte und das alpine Siedlungssystem für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Alpen? Dieser Frage geht der 9. Alpenzustandsbericht (RSA9) zum Thema „Alpine Towns“ nach. Tobias Chilla, Dominik Bertram und Markus Lambracht sind die Autoren des analytischen Berichts (Part 1: Facts, Maps and Scientific Debates) – der ergänzt wird durch einen Szenarien-Teil (Part 2: Five Pictures of the Future) und politische Überlegungen (Four Postulates of Sustainable Urban Development). Di...


Roles beyond size? Investigating polycentricity and accessibility of small towns in the Alps

Fair accessibility to services of general interest is a considerable challenge in mountain regions due to low population density and morphological context (see, ESPON Alps2050). However, the centrality debate has hardly taken morphology into account, even though mountain areas require a specific form of spatial organization. A lower level of accessibility leads either to longer distances and travel times or (in the better case) to increased service supply in smaller settlements. Our recently ...


The „Alps 2050“: How to develop a good Alpine future?

The ESPON project Alps 2050 has intensively analysed the territorial development of the Alpine region throughout the last year, with our team as the leadpartner of the research consortium. The results are online now:   The most important results are published in the final report, complemented by annexes and short versions: The reports show the complex patterns, the strong potentials and the severe challenges for sustainable development in the Alpine region. Many cartographi...


New Atlas „Alps 2050“ online now

Our ESPON project Alps 2050 has taken the next step - the Interim Report is online now, and the participatory work makes good progress. As an extra output, we have produced an Atlas that shows important territorial patterns and trends on the transnational scale: Atlas Alps 2050 We think that this atlas provides interesting insigthts and new inspiration. It can be seen as a complementary work to the existing publications that focus on the Alpine Convention perimeter, i.e. the mountainous pa...
