Schlagwort-Archiv: Border Studies

Kooperationsprofile deutscher Grenzregionen: Themen, Akteure, Governance

Viele Facetten der europäischen Integration werden an den Binnengrenzen Europas besonders deutlich. Das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderte Projekt ‚Cohesion in Border Regions (CoBo)‘ hat die Organisation des Zusammenhalts in den Grenzregionen Deutschlands mit seinen Nachbarländern untersucht und bestehende Potenziale ausgelotet (Laufzeit 2021 bis 2023). Die unterschiedlichen Governance-Strukturen der Grenzregionen, ihre Themen, Herausforderungen und Potenziale und die ...


BorderData: Bavarian-Czech research project on ’new data‘ in border regions

Together with scientists from the Palacký University in Olomouc led by Mgr. Vít Pászto, Ph.D., the Regional Development Working Group led by Prof. Dr. Chilla will explore new possibilities for improving the knowledge base on border regions over the next 2.5 years. The project “The potential of new data sources for border-related knowledge gaps (BorderData)” brings together two research teams that have a high level of international expertise in their fields and are at the same time complementary....


Cross-border mobility: Rail or road?

In our latest article, we position different modes of transport in border regions by developing a new methodological approach. The key elements are ‘space-time-lines’, combined with an indexation approach. Both build on open-source data and allow for comparative analysis and visualization of cross-border mobility and accessibility. The results show that (a) the process of catching up in terms of cross-border accessibility is not yet complete, and (b) some regions show tunnel effects, as cross...


Grenzraumakademie ’23 – Grenzregionen Deutschlands mit seinen Nachbarländern

  Am 20./21. April 2023 fand in Berlin die ‚Grenzraumakademie‘ statt. Diese Veranstaltung brachte ca. 130 Gästen aus den Grenzregionen Deutschlands und den Nachbarstaaten in den Austausch mit Expertinnen und Experten verschiedener Politikbereiche und -ebenen.   Die Ver­anstaltung war durch ein Forschungsprojekt initiiert: Das Projekt CoBo ‚Cohesion in Border Regions‘ wird von der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg und der Universität St. Gallen bearbeitet (Januar 2021 bis Dezember ...


The COVID-19 pandemic as a catalyst for cross-border cooperation? What have we learnt for border-regional resilience?

Our recent study addresses border-regional resilience in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and focuses on German border regions. The main objective is to shed light on vulnerability, resistance, adaptability, and recoverability in the border-regional context. Our key questions are: To what extent were the German border regions affected and what differences can be seen among them? What impact does the pandemic have on future resilience of cross-border cooperation? What options do border region...


European border regions: more or less resilient than non-border regions?

The ongoing times of poly-crises raise fundamental questions for border regions: How do crises affect convergence processes in border regions? Are border regions more resilient than non-border regions? In what ways are convergence and resilience interconnected?   Our recent study shows, first, that border regions are more affected in the short term, but recover more quickly from the crisis. This finding calls for policy reflections on how to improve short-term resistance in b...


Innerdeutsche Vernetzung von Grenzregionen – welche Optionen bestehen?

Auf der Bundesebene haben die Grenzräume mit Beteiligung Deutschlands in jüngerer Zeit zunehmend größere Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, insbesondere im Zuge der Bemühungen um gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse. Am 16. und 17. Mai 2022 hat die AG Regionalentwicklung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat den Workshop ‚Innerdeutsche Vernetzung von Grenzregionen‘ in Berlin durchgeführt (Foto: Dirk Enters). Durch eine bessere Vernetzung der Grenzregionen mit deutscher Betei...


COVID-19 incidence in border regions: spatiotemporal patterns and border control measures

Border regions are very sensitive territories in Covid times: In all incidence waves, border closures have been discussed and many were implemented. Currently, due to the threating Omicron variant, harsh measures as border closures are high on the political agenda again. However, there is not much knowledge about the cross-border spread of the virus. The question is whether they can be an appropriate tool of the anti-Covid policy. Our new paper, examines the patterns of COVID-19 spread in Ger...


Cohesion in Border Regions (CoBo): Delphi survey on policy options starts

European cohesion is of key concern in Europe's internal border regions. The CoBo project examines the current state and existing potentials (funded by the federal ministry of research, duration 2021-23). In these days, a so-called Delphi survey starts. Its aim is to identify future potentials and challenges of Germany’s border regions. Key experts from the border regions will be asked for their participation in two rounds of digital surveys. In the second round, we will present the interim r...


The domestic dimension of cross-border governance: Networks and coordination patterns.

Border studies have intensively analysed the dynamics of multi-level governance. Manifold facets of cross-border cooperation have been addressed in the vertical and the horizontal dimension. However, the domestic dimension has hardly been addressed so far.We have now concluded a study on behalf of the German Ministry of the Interior, exploring the situation in a series in European countries. The full report of this study is published in German language: Chilla T. (2020): Innerstaatliche Ve...
